Saturday, March 23, 2013

Political formations in Southeast Asia imagined as Mandalas

Precolonial Southeast Asian political formations were conceived as a series of interesecting mandalas or wheels

 An interesting article on Mandala concept as a model for political organisation

A very interesting article on nationalism in Southeast Asia

Colonialism And Nationalism In Southeast Asia/Jakarta 1945

France's war in Mali has all the hallmarks of neocolonialism

Ninoy Aquino and the rise of People Power in Manilla

Friday, March 15, 2013

Avatar as an Orientalist Fantasy

Natalie Tran on racial stereotypes

Edward Said on Orientalism

Here is a link to a video which gives a succinct introduction to Edward Said's important, controversial and influential book "Orientalism"

Understanding Australia's Neighbours by Nick Knight

Understanding Australia's Neighbours  by Nick Knight

You can access an excerpt from this excellent book on the Cambridge University Press website The chapter entitled Introduction :Thinking about Asia, thinking about Australia's%20Neighbours/?site_locale=en_GB


Ctitical Asian Studies

Critical Asian Studies (launched in 1968 as the Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scholarly articles and other materials that challenge the accepted formulas for understanding the Asia and Pacific regions, the world, and ourselves.
The good news is that you are enrolled in ANU you can access this interesting journal through the online library.